Youth Social Service Organization Non Govermental Oranisation


Vision of YSSO

YSSO’s vision is inspired by the Christian faith and values. YSSO visualizes a society in which peace, justice and equality prevail and wherein all citizens irrespective of caste, creed, language and religion live in peace and communal harmony. YSSO also envisages a society where the poor, women, the marginalised and under privileged lead a quality life with dignity and have equal opportunity for their involvement in the development process which is value based and sustainable, and have an appropriate environment to develop their fullest potential.

Mission of YSSO

YSSO actively supports and works for a just and sustainable society by creating opportunities for the participation of socially and economically marginalised sections in the development process through networking, alliance building and strengthening of their organisation. YSSO also supports local self governance, protection of human rights, peace and reconciliation and sustainable livelihood measures and responds to the environmental issues, natural and manmade disasters and strives to bring the victims to the mainstream while upholding the human dignity. YSSO promotes gender mainstreaming at all appropriate levels, mobilises resources in favour of the poor and optimises all potentials and capacities existing within the organization and other partners.

Our activities

  • Promote Socio-Economic Development at the grass root level.
  • Empowerment of women through skill up gradation.
  • Promote Sustainable Management of Agriculture & Natural Resources
  • Watershed Management.
  • Poverty Eradication
  • Eradication of child Labor and protection of Child Rights.
  • Youth development through collective Action .
  • Promote Community Base Disaster Management
  • Promote Micro Enterprises for Accelerating Economic Development .
  • Training ,Participatory Rural Development ,Monitoring and evaluation